Deborahs United 2024 All Access
As I am looking at the season we are in, there is a huge need for us women to find our voice, and stand for our nations and the children of our nations.
This is why the theme this year is Not on Our Watch.
Each generation must stand their ground and find the courage and fortitude to speak up and stop the forces of evil who would kill an unborn baby, transition the sex of a child, or allow a human being to be euthanized.
We never thought we would come to this place, but we are there. Some states and nations are farther down the road toward the above wickedness. We must ask ourselves the important question, “If not us, who? If not now, when?”
Please do everything you can to make it to this year’s Deborah’s United. We must sound the alarm, find our voice, and loudly proclaim, "Not on Our Watch!"
Not only will you be inspired, but also taught, by the most tuned-in-to-the-Holy-Spirit speakers, who have the answers to what you've been seeking. You will have personal victory as well. We will have a special time together to worship, learn from the top women leaders, receive impartations, mantles, pray for healing, and plenty of prophetic ministry!
Guest Speakers:
- Cindy Jacobs
- Patricia King
- Barbara Yoder
- Barbie Breathitt
- Sharon Daugherty
- Rosi Orozco
- Miriam Evans
- Barbara Wentroble
- Yvette Isaac
And Many More!!!
Your Host

Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike—her husband—co-founded Generals International in 1985. At nine years old, the Lord called Cindy when He urged her to read Psalm 2:8: “Ask of me the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the world for your possession.” That small seed God planted many years ago has sprouted and grown into an international ministry, taking Cindy to more than 100 nations of the world, where she has spoken before hundreds of thousands, including many heads of nations.